Dear Psychology Aspirants, in this article we have discussed the relevant course in Psychology, course which may grow up your career in psychology field, we have also suggested the possible Career option with psychology. So let’s start with meaning of Psychology.
Usually when people think about the word “Psychology,” most assume it’s related to reading someone’s mind or laying on a couch and sharing your feelings. Indeed Psychology is not just the study of behavior; it is also the study of mental functions. Those employed in this field consider it a science, philosophy, and even an art. The main goal of psychology is to explain, predict, and control behavior and mental processes.
Gradually demand for trained or registered psychologist is increasing day by day in India. There are few points given below which will help you to understand that Where and Why the demand of Psychologists is increasing day by day in India:
- Peoples are aware about their mental health.
- Peoples like to approach to psychologist if the find any mental issues like: depression, grief. Etc.
- As per Govt. rules a Psychologist/Counselor should be appointed in schools.
- Demand of Psychologist in the Industries or Organizations increasing day by day. In Industries or Organizations Psychologist work as motivator, he or she motivates the man power at the work place.
- Demand of Psychologist is also increased in legal sectors like: Police and Armed forces
In short, Psychology is a fastest growing career fields in India. Here are some possible job opportunities for Psychology students: Clinical Psychologist, Social Psychologist, Industrial or Organizational Psychologist, Forensic Psychologist, Health psychologist, Counselling psychologist and many others.
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