UPS Education is a Unit of Utsaah Psychological Services going to conduct Live Classes on Psychology Statistics. As we all know Statistics is a very important part of psychology and without it, you can face many difficulties in professional life.
The Classes will also be useful for various examinations too like UGC NET JRF, PsyD, M.Phil Clinical Psychology, Ph.D. Entrance, MA Psychology Entrance, IGNOU, and other University exams. This workshop can help you defeat your fear of Statistics.
Duration of this Online Classes: 01 Month
Eligibility: Any Psychology Student
Starting Date: 27 February 2021
Last Date to Register: 15th-February-2021 (Limited Seats are available, Admission based on first come first serve)
Key points and the features of this internship are given below.
Level 1
1. Central Tendency:
2. Correlation:
Rank Correlation
Parametric Correlation
3. Standard Deviation
4. Hypothesis Testing:
Degree of Freedom
One-Tailed/ Two-Tailed Hypothesis
Single ANOVA
Mann Witney
Kruskal Wallis
Level 2
1. Correlation:
Partial Correlation
Multiple Correlation
2. Hypothesis:
Repeated ANOVA
Kruskal Wallis
Kendall Tau
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